News from ISSBA
Tuesday, 08 August 2023 11:48

News from our charity of the year - August 2023

Find out the latest news from our Charity of the Year - Lighthouse Women's Aid

Lighthouse photoLighthouse Women’s Aid is absolutely delighted to be announced as ISSBA’s Charity of the Year 2023!

Becoming a member of ISSBA early 2023, exhibiting at the amazing Anglia Business Exhibition and attending the monthly Networking events has created amazing opportunities for Lighthouse to engage with local employers. 

Raising awareness of the impact of domestic abuse in the work place is a key aim of the charity. Debra Gingell, Trainer said ”we are on a mission to ensure that every business professional knows how to react if a colleague were to disclose that they are experiencing domestic abuse (DA). As experts, we know that, one in four women and one in six men in the UK, are affected by DA during their lifetime. We also know that DA is one of the most underreported crimes, so the real statistics are definitely higher”.

There will be opportunities for members to support Lighthouse throughout the year and Debra is looking forward to the next networking event in September and the Anglia Business Spotlight event in October. We will be promoting a discounted rate for our training course ‘The Impact of DA in the workplace’ for all ISSBA members, so watch this space.

Debra really wants to engage with members, so please feel free to reach out via email: you can find more details about the work we do at Lighthouse on our website:

Lighthouse WA thumbnail lhouse with strap